Verification - Maven Docs

Verification Commands

Read about the Verification Commands below.

Verification Commands

Setup #

Get started setting up Maven's advanced verification system. Below, we have provied detailed explainations on how to setup and use our verification system.

1. To get started with verification, use the slash command /verificationmessage.

2. Fill out the channel field, for the verification message. This is the message with the blurple button people click to link their account. This should be a public channel. Hit send to post the message & enable verification!

3. Enable logging by using the slash command /setlogchannel.

4. Fill out the channel field, for the log channel. This is the channel which will log events regarding verification & verification requirement roles given. This should be a private channel for staff only. Hit send to post the message & enable logging!

Setup complete! Server members are now able to verify & you're able to view logs. To setup verification requirements and configure other options, continue reading.


Note, these are the minimal amount of steps required. Continue reading and find out about many more optional steps you can take.

Configurations #

Below are general configurations you can make with slash commands. To learn about them read the table below.

Enabled On / OffEnables verification in your server. If you want to use verification, a channel must be configured. This is the slash command /verificationmessage.
Log Channel#channelSelect a channel where Maven should log all verification, requirement, and error events. This is the slash command /setlogchannel.
Nickname Whitelist@role(s)Maven will not change nicknames of users having at least one of the whitelisted roles. This is the slash command /nicknamewhitelistroles add.
Verification Role@roleMaven will give a user this role once they complete the verification process. This is the slash command /verificationrole.

Make sure that Maven has the Manage Nicknames permission so that it can change nicknames. Make sure the Maven is role near the top of your role list. Maven can only change nicknames of users that don't have a higher or equal role than the highest role Maven has. Maven can not change the name of the server owner, even if it has the highest role. You may receive a Missing Permissions error in your log channel if the steps provided are not followed.

Verification Requirements #

Maven is able to grant roles to verified members. Users are able set specific conditions, to grant roles to members. This feature allows users to give verified members access to the server or private channels. By adding additional conditions, the verified member will need to meet those requirements in addition to being verified, to gain access.

To add the base verification role, follow these simple steps below:

1. To get started with adding a base verification role, use the slash command /verificationrole.

2. Fill out the role field, by picking a verification role. This is the role Maven will add to members that verify, but do not meet any requirements. Hit send to post the message & add a base verification role!

Maven will now grant this role to everyone that has completed verification. Verification Requirements come with a lot more features. Keep reading to learn how to set requirements. These requirements include: player platform & number of games played.

Setup Requirements #

Maven is able to limit roles for users based on certain configurable requirements. Maven adds the roles, to users that have verified and met a requirement.

To add the verification requirements, follow these simple steps below:

1. To get started with adding verification requirments, use the slash command /verificationconfigs set.

2. Fill out the platform, games-played, and role, fields, these are all optional feilds. Hit send to post the message & add a verification requirement!


Note, if you do not set the field role, the requirement will become the base verification requirement. This means, in order to verify and recieve the Base Verification Role a user will need to meet that base verification reqirement.

Requirements #

Games PlayedNumberThis configures the amount of games a user has to play. This is the slash command /verificationconfigs set games-played:.
PlatformPC / Console / MobileThis configures the platform a user must be verified on. This is the slash command /verificationconfigs set platform:.
Role@roleThis configures the role Maven will give to a user if they meet a requirement. This is the slash command /verificationconfigs set role:.

Remove Requirements #

To remove a verification requirement, follow these simple steps below:

1. To get started with removing a verification requirment, use the slash command /verificationconfigs remove.

2. Fill out the role field, this is the role that is associated with the requirement you want to remove. Hit send to post the message & remove a verification requirement!

To remove a base verification requirement, follow these simple steps below:

1. To get started with removing the verification requirments, use the slash command /verificationconfigs remove.

2. Fill out the platform and games-played fields with. Set platform to None & games-played to 0. Hit send to post the message & remove the base verification requirements!

Verifying #

Verify #

To verify, follow these simple steps below:

1. Users must press on the verify button, in the verification channel.

2. Maven will send the user a direct message, on Discord, with more instructions. Maven will then ask the user to accept an Epic Games friend request from MavenBot.

3. After the user accepts the friend request, Maven will then send a 6-digit code to the user. The code will be sent as a whisper message, in Fortnite.

4. The user must copy the code and send it to Maven as a reply in, Discord, direct messages.

5. Maven will ask for the user's region. The user will choose one of the regions in the menu. The options are: NAE, EU, NAW, BR, and ASIA.

6. Maven will ask for the user's platform. The user will choose one of the platforms in the menu. The options are: PC, Console, and Mobile.

7. The verification process is complete! No further steps are required.


Make sure Maven has not already sent you an Epic Games friend request. You may see a DuplicateFriendshipError error if Maven has already sent you a friend request.

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